Good Gifts and a Good Giver

"Give thanks to the LORD for he is good; his love endures forever." (Psalm 106:1 NIV)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I've already had several important lessons on gratitude and thanks-living.  Earlier this week I had gone by to check on Mama and remind her that she will be spending Thanksgiving with us. Since many of the elderly residents in Mama's assisted living center spend Thanksgiving Day with their families, the retirement center celebrates their holiday meal a little earlier in the week. I reminded Mama that the Center's Thanksgiving feast was being held that day at 12 noon. As we sat together, I held her hand and asked, "Mama, what are you thankful for?" Without a moment's hesitation Mama quickly replied, "My family!"

Nodding, I gently affirmed her answer and asked, "Is there anything else you're thankful for?" Mama hesitated before answering, "A nice, warm place to stay." That's not a bad answer for a 91 year old with arthritis who constantly struggles with the cold. Even as her memory slips from our grasp, the most important memory- that of family- still remains.

Yesterday I picked up our granddaughter seven year old Julia from school. Julia hopped in the car waving a Thanksgiving placemat that she had made at school. "Mia, do you want to know what I put on my turkey feathers? I'm thankful for my family, neighbors, friends, Mrs. Parsons (her teacher), food, water, and God." That list certainly isn't bad for a first grader. And I whispered a prayer of gratitude for a seven year old who even at this tender age knows what is important.

Last night as I was in the middle of my annual Thanksgiving cooking marathon, our youngest son texted me from New York. He and his wife attended a 'friendsgiving" celebration. Until this year, I had never heard of a friendsgiving celebration dinner, but as more and more of our world becomes more mobile and global, I really think the idea is a great one for those who can't be with their families at Thanksgiving. The idea of gathering friends and giving thanks is certainly nothing new, but calling it friendsgiving instead of Thanksgiving certainly is new to me. Daniel and Olivia will be spending Thanksgiving in New York and I am grateful that they have friends with whom they can celebrate.

For my own Thanksgiving list, I filled two full pages in my journal this morning with people for whom I'm grateful. I won't bore you with the whole list, but here are just a few:

  • Bruce and 43 years of marriage and faithfulness

  • Children, grandchildren, and the extended family who will join us tomorrow to celebrate (right now we're at 27 folks!)

  • Two wonderful Mamas both of whom are in their 90s

  • Lifelong friends who have been with us through the ups and downs of coaching, careers, and special needs parenting

  • Retirement and the gift of time - time to take drive carpools, help with grandchildren, care for aging parents, teach young moms, and even find a few minutes to write

  • The gift of life and the joy of a new grand baby - Welcome, Mary Clayton!

  • United Ability and the staff who provide James Bruce ( & 160 others) with the gift of place - a space where he is accepted, affirmed, and allowed to grow

  • Bible Bits and those of you who take the time to read the words that I write and then encourage me to write more

  • Jesus Christ & the gift of salvation

  • God, the giver of all good gifts

Author Ann Voskamp got it right when she wrote, "God gives gifts of grace; we give thanks; and the result is joy." The Apostle John writing 2000 years ago put it this way, "From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." (John 1:16 (NIV) 

Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Thanks-living!